Cookie Policy

May 2024

This policy explains how cookies are used on the Euronet websites of reference in section 9 to keep our site reliable, secure, and personalized. For more information about the use of cookies while visiting our site, please read our privacy policy or contact us:

By email:
By post: ATT to Privacy, Calle Cantabria, nº2 – 2ª planta, 28108, Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain

1. What are Cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies such as tags, pixels, local storage, web beacons and tracking technologies on mobile apps (‘cookies’) are small data files that we use, and which are placed on your device that allow us to recognize and remember you or certain features. They are sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive or tablet or mobile device.

2. How we use Cookies

We use cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our site including:

Our site may contain links to external websites that are not managed, controlled, or linked to this website so remember that the information you give them will follow their rules and not ours. Please read the privacy statements provided by these external websites to understand how they use your information and to manage your choices.

The kind of information we collect will depend on which cookies you choose to allow, but may include the following:

3. Consent Manager Tool

If you would like to use or access our website, you may do so without accepting any of the optional cookies that are described below. Some cookies, however, are necessary for the operation of the site and cannot be de-selected.

We use a Cookie Banner to help you manage cookies and similar technologies. This Cookie Settings Tool discloses all our information sharing and gives you the opportunity to control your choices by toggling the sharing on or off. We will only place cookies for the preference level you select. In this way you may create a personal data sharing plan consistent with your personal privacy values.

Please be aware, due to their core role of enhancing usability of the site, disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain parts of our website. It will also mean that some features on our website will not function properly if you do not allow cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences by clicking the icon in the bottom left hand corner of the site.

4. How to control cookies through your browser

In addition to the Cookie Settings Tool on our website, you can control and/or delete cookies through your browser. Generally, cookies can be disabled, and the “help” portion of the toolbar will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. For more details, see

5. Types of cookies we use

Cookies that are used by us are referred to as first party cookies. Those used by our partners are third party cookies; this typically occurs when our website incorporates elements from other sites, such as images, social media plug-ins or advertising. When the browser or other software fetches these elements from other sites, they can set cookies as well. Third party cookies are always placed with your consent if required by local regulation.

Session cookies are temporary cookie files, which are erased when you close your browser. Session Cookies allow users to be recognized within our website. Choices you make are remembered as you navigate the site. For example, we use session cookies, so you don’t get asked for the same information you’ve already given as you move from page to page.

Persistent cookies help us remember your information and settings when you visit our site again. During your visit, you select your preferences, for example your language and jurisdictional preferences and these preferences are remembered, using a persistent cookie, the next time you visit our site. The information stored in persistent cookies is kept for differing time frames, depending on its use.

6. Cookies used on this website

(A) Essential and performance Cookies
Set by Default.
These cookies are needed for the basic performance of our website. These cookies are placed automatically, without consent, because the website cannot function properly without these cookies.
Essential Cookies are generally session cookies that enable functions like page navigation, authentication and validation, legal operation of the business and access to secure areas. They also support fraud prevention.

(B) Analytical
Set with your consent where required by law, If you would like to turn these cookies “on” or “off”, you can use our Cookie Settings Tool.

These cookies help us to understand how you interact with the site by collecting and reporting information. Using first- and third-party cookies, we collect data for such purposes as monitoring volumes of visitors and clicks when you use the site, or to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Using analytical cookies does not allow us to collect your activity data beyond our website. If you choose not to allow these cookies, we can’t learn how our website is performing, which we use to help improve your browsing experience.

(C) Advertising
Set with your consent where required by law, If you would like to turn these cookies “on” or “off”, you can use our Cookie Settings Tool.

These cookies are placed by us to understand your browsing behaviors across different websites and help us ensure that the marketing messages you receive on our website are relevant to you and your interests. If use of this type of cookie is not allowed, online advertisements you encounter will be less relevant to you and your interests and you will not be able to participate in incentive schemes.

We have relationships with third-party advertising networks (“Partners”), that use cookies for marketing purposes. If you want to learn more about how our Partners use your data, please read the privacy statements provided on their websites.

7. Cookies when you access the website

(A) Essential and performance Cookies
Set by Default.

Purpose Vendor Cookie name Expiration
Maintain the session, manage communications, and load balance requests and test the website is working properly. First Party PHPSESSID Session
df-random-userid Session
df-session Session
Security, Antifraud, Compliance, fulfill legal obligations and manage cookie consent. First party Allow_cookies 1 year
nlbi_# Session
visid_incap_# 12 months
incap_ses_# Session
Google ReCaptcha RcAttributionList Session
RcProductList Session
Allow us to remember what preferences you may have set, such as the region you are in or language preferences which in some cases fall under a legal obligation given, we are a financial regulated service. First party wp-wpml_current_language Session
wpEmojiSettingsSupports Session
Elementor Elementor Session
Elementor LocalStorage
Enable features, such as your consent to receive email notifications from us, your consent to cookies. Zendesk ZD-buid Session
ZD-sendApiBlips Session
ZD-store Session
ZD-suid Session

(B) Analytical
Set with your consent where required by law, If you would like to turn these cookies “on” or “off”, you can use our Cookie Settings Tool.

Purpose Vendor Cookie name Expiration
Allow us to understand which browsers visitors use and the number of new visitors to our website over a certain time. Google Analytics ___utmvc Session
___utmvm Session
_GA 1 year
_gis 1 year
Facebook _fbp 3 months
First Party lastExternalReferrer LocalStorage
lastExternalReferrerTime LocalStorage
Microsoft Clarity _cltk Session
Snowplow snowplowOutQueue_snowplow_cf Session
Hotjar _hjSessionUser_841057 Session
Hotjar _hjSession_841057 Session

(C) Advertising
Set with your consent where required by law, if you would like to turn these cookies “on” or “off”, you can use our Cookie Settings Tool

Purpose Vendor Cookie name Expiration
When used in conjunction with other data we hold about you (such as historic transaction records), allow us to recognize you when you are logged in and tailor our online marketing messages to you. Cookies from third parties’ websites are used to identify the origin of a campaign, and to finetune the quality of the advertisement. We do not track outside of our website. YouTube YSC Session
Klaviyo klaviyoOnsite Local storage
klaviyoPagesVisitCount Session
Microsoft Clarity _cltk Session

8. Updates and changes

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time by posting a new version on our website. You should check our website frequently for any updates or changes to this Cookie Policy, which may affect you.

9. Our websites

This cookie notice is applicable, per country, to the domains listed below, and relate the controllers of all websites.

For more information about the use of cookies while visiting our site, please read our privacy policy or contact us:

By email:
By post: ATT to Privacy, Calle Cantabria, nº2 – 2ª planta, 28108, Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain

Contact us
